Healthcare ExtraOrdinare
Dr. Tana Robinson DNP, APRN
Insurances Accepted
Healthcare ExtraOrdinare LLC is in network with only traditional Medicare plans. If your Medicare insurance is provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sunshine, UHC or another insurance not listed here, we are not in-network with their plan and policies at this time.
Healthcare ExtraOrdinare LLC is in network with MultiPlan which includes Gold Kidney Insurance, Zing Health Insurance and others.
Healthcare ExtraOrdinare LLC is in network with only traditional Medicaid plans. If your Medicaid insurance is provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sunshine or another insurance not listed here, we are not in-network with their plan and policies at this time.
Healthcare ExtraOrdinare LLC isin network with all Tricare plans. Retired, Active Duty, Reserved & Family, all plans are accepted and we thank you for you & your family's service! Come see us today.
Healthcare ExtraOrdinare LLC is in network with Cigna health insurance. Come see us today!
United Healthcare Medicaid
Healthcare ExtraOrdinare LLC is in network with only United Healthcare's Medicaid plan and policies. At this time we are not able to accept Medicare or Marketplace plans provided by UHC.